When to Fix Your Roof and How Much It Will Cost

The average lifespan of a roof differs by the type of material used. While wood shingles last for 25-30 years, slate roofs last for 100 years or longer. Besides this, maintenance, weather, and many other factors also determine your roof’s lifespan, but it is...

10 Common Roofing Problems and Solutions

A decent roofing system should be able to handle all weather conditions. The roof shields the home from the elements, ranging from sweltering heat to intense snowstorms. Rooftop issues are unavoidable and the majority of homeowners have at some time in their life...

Common Types Of Commercial Flat Roof Repairs

It was around 1920 that commercial buildings began to lay flat roofs instead of pitched roofs. Flat roofs are economical and cover less area. Flat roofs have a definite advantage in terms of various aspects. Types of Commercial Flat Roofs And Repairs Requirements...

Repairing Roof Leaks from Different Causes

When it comes to roof leaks, there can be many different causes. It could be from wear and tear, improper installation, and more. Depending on the cause, the process of fixing the leak will be different, too. As such, let’s look at a couple of the more common causes...

Everything You Need to Know About Commercial Roofing

Roofing is a challenging job, to begin with. It only gets more challenging when you factor-in building materials and structures. Roofing is an essential part of any commercial building project. This blog will explain what features to look out for in a commercial roof....

Signs That Your Roof Needs Repairs

Roof repair is important for the safety of your house. Leaks or cracks in your roof can cause water damage and other issues. If left untreated, the issue could aggravate and cost you thousands of dollars in repairs. Your roof may not look like it’s damaged but,...
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